LiteSpeed Web Server – the performance-boosting technology, now available

  • Saturday, 29th February, 2020
  • 12:15pm

We are excited to announce that LiteSpeed Web Server – one of the most popular web acceleration solutions, is now available for our customers.

LiteSpeed – the server, acting as a drop in for Apache has been outperforming the competition for years. The superfast web server goes in place of Apache, and as a lightweight web server, it will dramatically improve your website speed and performance. Are you ready to outperform the competition with our superfast LiteSpeed hosting?

LiteSpeed Cache Solution is tailored to provide the best performance in a shared hosting environment, thus accelerating you WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, or custom website. All BGOcloud shared hosting plans and servers utilize LiteSpeed Web Server. And statistics show it is up to 800% faster than Apache while serving static website content and up to 60% faster when serving PHP requests.

When you install LiteSpeed Web Server it will take your Apache settings and processes them thanks to its event-driven architecture. This will allow for faster responses and efficient memory consumption. Subsequently, the server can go to as far as eight times faster and handle the concurrent client with less CPU usage.

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